Rakusan.net home articles gallery contact

Links to Rakusan Information or Sales
www.JapanesePrints.net Japan Print Gallery is currently the most active commercial dealer of Rakusan prints and displays several on its website.
Wider Links to Other Contemporary Artists and General Information
www.Koitsu.com Tsuchiya Koitsu (1876-1946)
www.Shotei.com Takahashi Shotei (1871-1945)
Shin-Hanga Seal Finder; articles
www.Artelino.com articles, signature reference
www.Ukiyoe-Gallery.com articles
www.ShinHanga.net articles

Most of these sites offer links to further sites. Many also have print galleries and sales offerings. This listing is a sampling only and is not intended to include all references to Rakusan or to Shin-Hanga.